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Water Management in Rainfed Areas

Water Management in Rainfed Areas

₹ 505

Author(s):Dr. A. Anitha Pauline, Dr. Syed Abul Hassan Hussainy, Dr. K. Mahandra Kumar and Dr. R. Durai Singh
Paperback ISBN:978-93-90420-88-9
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2020

Price Details
Amount₹ 505

Availabilityin stock
Payable Amount₹ 505

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This book delves into the management of water in hilly terrains, focusing on traditional methods such as Kalvarapaja in the Sarivaja area. It explores how sloping land and specific water management techniques, like stone slab barriers, help channel water efficiently and promote groundwater recharge. Designed for students, researchers, and practitioners in environmental science, agriculture, and water management, this comprehensive guide emphasizes sustainable water conservation practices. With a focus on regional techniques and their impact on agricultural productivity, it offers valuable insights for preserving natural resources in challenging terrains.


This book explores traditional water management practices in hilly terrains, specifically the Kalvarapaja system in the Sarivaja area. It examines how stone slabs and water diversion channels are used to control water flow, prevent erosion, and enhance soil moisture retention. The study highlights the importance of these practices in sustainable agriculture, emphasizing the role of groundwater recharge in sloped regions. By combining cultural knowledge with modern environmental principles, the book provides a unique perspective on water management techniques that can support sustainable farming and ecosystem conservation in challenging geographical areas.



1 reviews

Dr. Siddharth Rao
  November 12, 2024

The book covers a broad scope, though I wish some areas had been explored in more detail.

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