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Mashroom Utpaadan Se Svarojagaar Evam Poshan Suraksha

Mashroom Utpaadan Se Svarojagaar Evam Poshan Suraksha

₹ 680

Author(s):डॉ.नीलू विश्वकर्मा, डॉ. रश्मि शुक्ला, डॉ. दिनेश सिंह, डॉ. प्रमोद शर्मा
Paperback ISBN:978-93-90217-82-3
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2020

Price Details
Amount₹ 680

Availabilityin stock
Payable Amount₹ 680


In India, the favorable weather conditions and dense forests provide an ideal environment for the natural growth of mushrooms. These edible fungi thrive in fields and ridges, making them a common part of rural diets. Over time, mushrooms have become increasingly important in commercial farming, with various types being cultivated in laboratories. This book explores the different mushroom varieties cultivated in India, their traditional uses, and the rise of mushroom farming as a commercial enterprise. It also delves into the growing market for mushrooms, including their import and export, and their economic and nutritional benefits.


Mushrooms have been an integral part of the Indian diet for centuries, thriving naturally in fields and dense forests. With India’s favorable climatic conditions, various mushroom species are now cultivated through laboratory methods, leading to the expansion of commercial farming. This book examines the role of mushrooms in rural communities, where they are used in everyday cooking, and highlights their growing commercial significance. The study also covers the dynamics of the mushroom trade, including both domestic consumption and international export, emphasizing their nutritional and economic value. Through this exploration, the book underscores the potential of mushrooms in India’s agricultural and food sectors.



1 reviews

Prof. Tanvi Arora
  November 12, 2024

A game-changer in the field—groundbreaking ideas that will inspire new research.

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