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AkiNik Publications

Evaluation of Antidiabetic and Cardio Protective Activity of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Passiflora Foetida.L. in Diabetes and Cardiac Diseased Rats

Evaluation of Antidiabetic and Cardio Protective Activity of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Passiflora Foetida.L. in Diabetes and Cardiac Diseased Rats

₹ 600

Author(s):Ravi Babu Birudu
Hardbound ISBN:978-93-85895-30-2
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2016
Binding:Hard Bound

Price Details
Amount₹ 600

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Payable Amount₹ 600
AkiNik Publications
AkiNik Publications Phone: +91-9911215212