International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Technology is a peer reviewed, indexed, refereed and open access journal. Considers review and research articles related to Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, Design Engineering, Chemistry, Molecular Engineering: Chemical Synthesis & Analysis, Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Rock Engineering and Underground Structure, Structure Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Construction Engineering and Management, Construction Technology and Management, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Computer Science, Communications Engineering, Computer Technology, Control and Automation, Integrated Electronics and Circuits, Power Electronics, Electrical Machines and Drives, Power Systems, Design of Mechanical Equipment, Industrial Engineering, Production Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Physics Applied Optics, Solid State Materials, Textile Technology, Fibre Science & Technology, Textile Engineering, Radio Frequency Design and Technology, Atmospheric Sciences Atmospheric-Oceanic Science and Technology, Interdisciplinary Programme, Computer Applications, Energy Studies, Energy and Environmental Management, Industrial Tribology and Maintenance Engineering, Instrument Technology, Optoelectronics and Optical Communication, Polymer Science and Technology, Telecommunication Technology Management, VLSI Design Tools and Technology, etc.