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Power Pool Control Using Fuzzy Logic

Power Pool Control Using Fuzzy Logic

₹ 565

Author(s):Venu Yarlagadda, Chava Sunil Kumar and Srinivasa Rao Jalluri
Paperback ISBN:978-93-6135-690-2
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2024

Price Details
Amount₹ 565

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Payable Amount₹ 565

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Modern Power systems are designed for the fine tuning of frequency and less tolerance for system frequency deviation from nominal value. The Power System is dynamically subjected to the small perturbations of load leading to non-oscillatory Instability due to insufficient damping. The book entente the single area, two area and multi area load frequency control and small signal stability analysis. It dispenses the simulation of single area, two area and multi area systems with small perturbations of load, with three cases for both kinds of power systems. Case1 without any controller, case2 with PI controller and case3 with Fuzzy Controllers. The simulation is carried out for both single area two area and multi area power systems with all three cases. In the first part of the case study, the simulation results of single area power system for all three cases have been presented. In the second part, the simulation results of two area power system for all three cases have been presented. Subsequently in the last part, the simulation results of multi area power system for all three cases have been presented. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of Fuzzy Control perpetuates the frequency with in the endurable range of frequency and subsequently it ensures the small signal stability of both the Power systems against load disturbances. Further the book entente the multi area load frequency control and dynamic and transient stability analysis. It dispenses the simulation of three area power systems with medium and large perturbations of load, with three cases for both kinds of power systems. Case1 without any controller, case2 with PI controller and case3 with Fuzzy Controllers. The simulation is carried out for three area power system with all three cases. In this article the simulation results of three area power system for all three cases have been presented. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of Fuzzy Control perpetuates the frequency with in the endurable range of frequency and subsequently it ensures the dynamic as well as transient stability of both the Power systems against load disturbances. The book the multi area load frequency control for dynamic and transient stability analysis. It dispenses the simulation of three area power systems with medium and large perturbations of load, with three cases for both kinds of power systems. Case1 without any controller, case2 with PI controller and case3 with Fuzzy Controllers. The simulation is carried out for three area power system with all three cases. In this article the simulation results of three area power system for all three cases have been presented. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of Fuzzy Control perpetuates the frequency with in the endurable range of frequency and subsequently it ensures the dynamic as well as transient stability of both the Power systems against load disturbances.



1 reviews

Prof. Michael Harris
  November 12, 2024

Great for advanced students and professionals, though may be difficult for newcomers to grasp.

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