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Basic to Advanced Linux Programming

Basic to Advanced Linux Programming

₹ 725

Author(s):Dr. Pushpender Sarao, Sheetal Chauhan and Dr. Mahendra Sharma
Paperback ISBN:978-93-6135-376-5
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2024

Price Details
Amount₹ 725

Availabilityin stock
Payable Amount₹ 725


LINUX is better than Windows. In this book, basic Linux commands, utilities and simple scripting programming is covered in chapter 1. Files and directories in Linux, process, signals are discussed in chapter 2 and chapter 3. Using simple syntax and small programs, inter process communication concepts are elaborated in chapter 3 and chapter 5. Syntax for system calls for signals and semaphores is also described in a simple and short form. Advanced Linux commands, wireless communication, network security techniques through Linux programming, network performance optimization concepts have been covered from unit 6 to unit 11. This book will help for interested learners to learn Linux programming basic to advanced concepts in a short period of time.



1 reviews

Prof. Rohit Shukla
  November 12, 2024

Clear and easy to follow, yet packed with deep insights and valuable research findings.

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