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AkiNik Publications

Guidelines on Job Responsibilities of Specialised Nurses

Guidelines on Job Responsibilities of Specialised Nurses

₹ 335

Author(s):Dr. Jilmy Anu Jose and Renjini Gopalakrishnan
Paperback ISBN:978-93-6135-315-4
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2024

Price Details
Amount₹ 335

Availabilityin stock
Payable Amount₹ 335


The book on 'Guidelines on Job Responsibilities of Specialised Nurses' gives gives a baseline information about the job description of trained nurses in varied specialities. This book will help to understand the required educational qualifications and practical experience for the nurses to work in sub specialties. this will assist the nurses while selecting a specialisation and also will enhance their competency to become more equipped to deliver the best care possible in their area of specialisation. This book will assist educational institutions in on-the-job training of nurses as well as while giving specialised training. Nursing educators can also use it as a reference to create a practical curriculum during training and assessment. The specialised centres can also use these recommendations to instruct their nurses on their job responsibilities.



1 reviews

Deepak Sharma
  November 01, 2024

An essential reference for scholars and researchers.

AkiNik Publications
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