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AkiNik Publications

Critical Evaluation of Girish Karnad’s Hayavadana and Naga-Mandala

Critical Evaluation of Girish Karnad’s Hayavadana and Naga-Mandala

₹ 355

Author(s):Dr. Deepa Rani
Paperback ISBN:978-93-6135-135-8
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2024

Price Details
Amount₹ 355

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Payable Amount₹ 355


This book is an effort of critical evaluation of Girish Karnad's Nagamandal and Hayavadana. I have discussed various themes and dimensions including: search for identity, women's plight in patriarchal society, hippocratic attitude of society, search for perfection and many more. Boyh are short plays but embodied multiple meanings and following dadi and nani's culture of oral tradition of story narration that has been lost in modern time.
AkiNik Publications
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