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AkiNik Publications

Production Techniques of Minor Vegetable Crops

Production Techniques of Minor Vegetable Crops

₹ 455

Author(s):Dr. Renu Yadav, Rahul and Surender Mittal
Paperback ISBN:978-93-5570-900-4
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2023

Price Details
Amount₹ 455

Availabilityin stock
Payable Amount₹ 455


Farmers mainly focus on the production of major vegetables but the importance of minor vegetables in terms of health benefits as well to increase country rank in vegetable production can’t be neglected. The book covers all the basics of vegetable production in a precise manner. The major weeds, pests and diseases as well as their management is also described in the book. Narration and presentation of different topics is simple and easily understandable. This book is mainly intended for students, teachers, researchers, extension worker and other interested in the field of vegetable production.
AkiNik Publications
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