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Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology

Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology

₹ 6,800

ISSN:ISSN PRINT: 2455-7005, ISSN ONLINE: 2347-212X
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2024

Price Details
Amount₹ 6,800

Availabilityin stock
Payable Amount₹ 6,800

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The Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology is open access, peer-reviewed journal published by Open Science Publishers LLP (registered under section 12(1) of LLP Act 2008). The journal publishes on a bi-monthly basis (6 issues per year) and is available in both online and print format.



1 reviews

Ms. Neerja Massey
  November 02, 2024

The Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology is a valuable resource for cutting-edge research in biotechnology and applied biology. It covers diverse topics such as genetic engineering, bioinformatics, agriculture, and pharmaceutical sciences, offering practical applications and insights. This journal serves researchers and professionals dedicated to advancing biotechnological innovations and biological applications

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