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International Journal of Ophthalmology and Optometry

International Journal of Ophthalmology and Optometry

₹ 2,500

ISSN:ISSN: P-ISSN: 2664-8547, E-ISSN: 2664-8555
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2024

Price Details
Amount₹ 2,500

Availabilityin stock
Payable Amount₹ 2,500

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International Journal of Ophthalmology and Optometry is a refereed, peer-reviewed, indexed journal with academics and experts of repute as members of its Editorial Board.

Ophthalmology Journal is an international peer reviewed journal, published annually. The prime focus of the optometry journal is to publish articles related to the current trends of research in ophthalmology and optometry. Ophthalmology journal publishes original research papers, unusual case reports and critical reviews dealing with all sub specialties of Ophthalmology like Neuro-ophthalmology, Ocular Oncology & Oculoplasty, Community Ophthalmology, Oculartraumatology, Vitreo-retina and Cornea & refractive surgery, new clinical trials, pediatric ophthalmology, strabismus, ophthalmic plastic, reconstructive surgery, technical & surgical innovations and current ophthalmic updates, ocular surface, lens and cataract, glaucoma, vitreoretinal disorders, uveitis, research activities and continued medical education in ophthalmic teaching. The role of Ophthalmology in society and, new findings from the frontiers of current research are always encouraged.



1 reviews

Sonu Shrivastav
  May 22, 2024

The International Journal of Ophthalmology and Optometry offers essential research and insights into eye health and vision care, advancing the field of ocular science.

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