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AkiNik Publications

Research Methods

Research Methods

₹ 694

Author(s):Dr. Jawahir Ahmad, Dr. Basharat Ahmad and Dr. Falak Naz
Paperback ISBN:978-93-5570-742-0
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2023

Price Details
Amount₹ 694

Availabilityin stock
Payable Amount₹ 694


The rationale of writing this book is that I found most of the undergraduate and postgraduate professional students having difficulty in comprehending the basic and critical topics in research methods. My main goal is to make research methods easy to understand by the most comprehensible way. I hope to help the reader of this book to learn the basics of research in the most easiest way possible. The quest for knowledge in research methods among medical professional undergraduates in general and postgraduates in specific was the specific purpose that drove me pen down this book. Also being personally very interested in research topic and also in clinical research was the key inspiration for me. I hope every reader of this book to find this book very easy and pleasant to read. This will be an immense inspiration and opportunity for me to continue working further on this book.
AkiNik Publications
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