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Practical Examination in Orthopaedics - Tips and Tricks

Practical Examination in Orthopaedics - Tips and Tricks

₹ 585

Author(s):Dr. Manish R. Shah
Paperback ISBN:978-93-5570-853-3
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2023

Price Details
Amount₹ 585

Availabilityin stock
Payable Amount₹ 585

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The orthopedic subject practical examination is a part of the surgical examination as per the current NMC syllabus. The examiner expects the student to know the common Orthopaedic problems, the approach to clinical examination, the basics of radiology, and basic knowledge of implants and instruments. They do expect knowledge of Orthopaedic emergencies. The student may not be able to reach the final diagnosis and may not be able to explain the final treatment. This book is divided into various sections. Each chapter is well elaborated with necessary figures. The book is aimed to help medical undergraduates, post-graduates, junior orthopedic residents, physiotherapy students, DNB students, USMLE aspirants, National Exit Test (NExT) aspirants, and young orthopedic surgeons at the beginning of their careers. The book may be used as a final revision before the exam.



1 reviews

Dr. Sahil Purohit
  November 12, 2024

Great resource for academics, but could have been more concise for a broader audience.

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