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Right to Information Act 2005 Theory and Practice

Right to Information Act 2005 Theory and Practice

₹ 645

Editor(s):Dr. Vishwas Patel and Dr. Tuhina Johri
Paperback ISBN:978-93-5570-606-5
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2023

Price Details
Amount₹ 645

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Payable Amount₹ 645

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Right to Information has been seen as the key to strengthening participatory democracy and ushering in people centered governance. Access to information can empower the poor and the weaker sections of society to demand and get information about public policies and actions, thereby leading to their welfare. Without good governance, no amount of developmental schemes can bring improvement in the quality of life of the citizens. Information about functioning of government also enables citizens to participate in the governance process effectively. In a fundamental sense, right to Information is a basic necessity of Good Governance.



1 reviews

Prof. David Lee
  November 12, 2024

Packed with data and case studies, this book is both informative and engaging.

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