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AkiNik Publications

Practical Handbook on Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology

Practical Handbook on Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology

₹ 396

Author(s):Dr. Neharika Saxena, Dr. Surendra Singh Shekhawat and Dr. Subhash Chand Meena
Paperback ISBN:978-93-5570-608-9
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2023

Price Details
Amount₹ 396

Availabilityin stock
Payable Amount₹ 396


The Practical Handbook on Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology is intended as a help book for practicals of the Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology course on Food Safety and Veterinary Epidemiology of III BVSc & AH as per the MSVE syllabus of the Veterinary Council of India. It is written in simple language in a lucid manner easily understandable by undergraduate students. One can easily grasp the principle, applications and methodology of each practical exercise independently. It can also be a useful resource and graduates in clinical diagnostic service and biomedical research as well as guidebook for paramedical and paraveterinary personnel.



1 reviews

Deepak Sharma
  November 01, 2024

An essential reference for scholars and researchers.

AkiNik Publications
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