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Essential Practices in Management Studies

Essential Practices in Management Studies

₹ 1,015

Editor(s):Anurag Luharia, Gaurav Mishra, Aryaman Grover, Ajay Pethe, Chandrashekhar Mahakalkar and Shubham Kadam
Paperback ISBN:978-93-5570-645-4
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2023

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Amount₹ 1,015

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In today's fast-paced, complex, and culturally diverse workplace, managers often find that the information they already have isn't enough or is out of date; for their companies and themselves to do well, these managers need to learn, use, and adapt current management ideas and methods.
Essential Practices in Management Studies is made to meet the needs of both working managers and management students. This book gives future managers the chance to learn about current management ideas, methods, and trends before they even start working.



1 reviews

Prof. Sophie Harris
  November 12, 2024

Well-researched with a lot of thought-provoking ideas, though it sometimes lacks real-world applicability.

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