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Kukkut Utpaadan Evam Prabandhan

Kukkut Utpaadan Evam Prabandhan

₹ 610

Author(s):Dr. Om Prakash Dinani and Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta
Paperback ISBN:978-93-5570-033-9
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2022

Price Details
Amount₹ 610

Availabilityin stock
Payable Amount₹ 610

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This book has been written to initiate Poultry farming activities by the farmers. It has included the various aspects of poultry housing and management, poultry nutrition and feed technology, poultry breeding and reproduction, poultry health and biosecurity etc. Chicken, quail, turkey and duck farming has been described in the scientific manner. It has included basic management practices to be followed for chick, grower, layer and broiler management. Least cost poultry feed formulation and economic poultry housing has been discussed. Economics of poultry farming are described to understand the balance sheet. The authors are not responsible for any topographical errors. However, poultry consultant and veterinary doctor advice are needed for better implementation of different poultry farming operations. Reference scientific book related to poultry farming need to be study for detail information of other aspects. Different conventional methods along with current scientific information for brooding, poultry equipments and practices has been incorporated in this book. The author hopes this book will be useful for farmers to initiate poultry farming activities in the country.



1 reviews

Prof. Kunal Chawla
  November 12, 2024

The author presents a balanced view of theory and practice, making it very relatable.

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