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AkiNik Publications

The Spectrum of Sustainability: Education, Enterprise & Economy

The Spectrum of Sustainability: Education, Enterprise & Economy

₹ 740

Editor(s):Avichal Sharma, Pallavi Pandey and Dr. Kavita Dahiya
Paperback ISBN:978-93-5570-517-4
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2022

Price Details
Amount₹ 740

Availabilityin stock
Payable Amount₹ 740


This book aims at presenting the different dimensions of sustainability. Indian education and management connect with science, knowledge, and technology to create global Indian managers who can function in any situation. Sustainability requires integrating social, political, economic, philosophical, and other fields. Effective mentoring, psychometric analysis, yoga, an excellent digital knowledge database, and country growth are needed. We highlight each Indian's potential and train them to cope with high performance in the modern, hectic corporate environment with spirituality, Indian ethos, values, and traditions. We encourage lateral and innovative thinking, reading, research, decision-making, and physical and mental strength through mutual learning and knowledge sharing.
AkiNik Publications
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