The Textbook of "Radio-Imaging Physics" is intended for the use by radiation professionals and student of diploma and degree. X-rays are a form of electro-magnetic radiations (EMR). EMR refers to energy that travels in the form of waves. The photon is the 'package' of energy that carries the energy through space. X-rays are ER with shorter wavelength and higher frequency. X-rays are also ionizing radiations able to penetrate material (living and non-living). It also has potential to alter DNA and living tissue. These rays are produced from electrical energy in the form of electron flowing into the x-ray tube. This book provides concise information of basic physics (force, work, power, heat), electricity, magnetism, electromagnetic induction also book explains about x-ray tube, basic x-ray circuit and mechanism of x-ray production in step-by-step manner. The book has covers most of the topics mentioned in Radiation Imaging. It provides compact and well-illustrated study material. Simple language which is easy to understand.
I hope this book will provide a foundation to the radiation technology medical imaging industry technology students and enhance their understanding related to x-ray machines and x-ray production. All kinds of constructive criticism and valuable suggestions are invited to make this book a better one in next edition.