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Financial Inclusion Among Marginal and Small Farmers of Uttar Pradesh

Financial Inclusion Among Marginal and Small Farmers of Uttar Pradesh

₹ 835

Author(s):Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Singh
Paperback ISBN:978-93-5570-200-5
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2022

Price Details
Amount₹ 835

Availabilityin stock
Payable Amount₹ 835

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  • Financial Inclusion among marginal and small farmers of U.P. is an overview which summarized the history and practical road map for financial Inclusion in India in general and U.P. in particular.
  • Financial Inclusion among marginal and small farmers of U.P. is first book of its kind which is written after conducting practical survey of 500 farmers of five blocks of Jhansi (U.P.).
  • The subject matter of present book is based on the financial well being of marginal and small farmers which comprises 80% population of total farmers of India.
  • This book is written in impel language and will be very useful for the students of Management, research workers and policy makers.



1 reviews

Dr. Arvind Rao
  November 12, 2024

A fascinating read that adds a lot of depth to the field, but occasionally too academic.

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