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Advances in Scientific Approach for Sustainable Development

Advances in Scientific Approach for Sustainable Development

₹ 1,185

Editor(s):Dr. Manoj Barthakur and Dr.Mridul Kr. Borthakur
Paperback ISBN:978-93-91538-67-5
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2021

Price Details
Amount₹ 1,185

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Payable Amount₹ 1,185

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Advances in Scientific Approach for Sustainable Development is a comprehensive volume that explores recent research trends across various scientific disciplines with a focus on sustainable development. The book features 24 research papers contributed by researchers from diverse fields, including Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Geography, and Mathematics. These papers, authored by scholars from institutions primarily in Assam, provide insights into innovative approaches and practices aimed at achieving sustainable development. This book serves as a valuable reference for future research and offers a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration to tackle environmental and developmental challenges.


This book, Advances in Scientific Approach for Sustainable Development, presents a collection of 24 research papers from multiple scientific disciplines, including Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Geography, and Mathematics, aimed at fostering sustainable development. Contributed by researchers from various academic and research institutions, particularly in Assam, the volume offers a thorough examination of the latest findings and methodologies for sustainable practices in different sectors. It provides a holistic view of environmental, ecological, and technological innovations for sustainable progress. This book is an essential resource for researchers, students, and professionals seeking to engage with contemporary research on sustainable development.



1 reviews

Prof. Kunal Chawla
  November 12, 2024

I would recommend this book to anyone conducting research in the field-it's comprehensive and reliable.

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