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Concept of Data Structure and Algorithm

Concept of Data Structure and Algorithm

₹ 450

Author(s):Dr. Mahendra Sharma and Prof. Pushpender Sarao
Paperback ISBN:978-93-91538-35-4
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2021

Price Details
Amount₹ 450

Availabilityin stock
Payable Amount₹ 450

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This book on Data Structures and Algorithms is designed to guide readers through the fundamental concepts that form the foundation of computer programming. Aimed at students with basic programming knowledge and mathematics skills, it explores the theoretical side of software development. Drawing on decades of teaching experience, the author provides clear explanations, starting with core data structures and progressing to more advanced topics. The book emphasizes associative learning, where each concept builds on the previous one, ensuring a strong understanding of data structures, algorithms, and their practical applications in programming.


This book delves into the essential components of research methodology, exploring definitions, characteristics, and the purposes of research. It discusses the systematic nature of research, including the formulation of hypotheses, data collection, and analysis. The book highlights the importance of accuracy, ethics, and logical reasoning in research, ensuring that results are valid and reliable. It categorizes research into three main purposes: exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory, outlining their roles in generating new questions, expanding knowledge, and understanding causal relationships. This book is a vital guide for anyone involved in the research process, from students to professionals.



1 reviews

Prof. Gabriel Young
  November 12, 2024

The author challenges conventional wisdom and presents fresh perspectives on the subject matter.

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