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AkiNik Publications

Emerging Trends in Physiotherapy

Emerging Trends in Physiotherapy

₹ 485

Author(s):Dr. P. Senthil and N. Shazia Neelam
Paperback ISBN:978-93-91216-62-7
Publisher:AkiNik Publications
Publication Year:2021

Price Details
Amount₹ 485

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Payable Amount₹ 485


A textbook on history, exploration, scopes and recent trends in physical therapy is a helpful carry away book to give a read. Present in simple language so that every kind of population is enlightened by the knowledge of physiotherapy and its origin along with its ongoing process. Also, explained in detail the benefits of being physically active for every individual on earth, age-wise recommendations to perform physical activity is clearly mentioned in the book making it easier to understand the duration and types of exercises that an individual should do in daily life for a healthy being. Recent trends like sports medicine and biomechanics, Obesity rehabilitation, Visual therapy, Tele-therapy, Robotic training and gaming exercises are highlights of the book.
AkiNik Publications
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