The book presented the results of ground movement parameters due to practicable scenarios of accidental explosion that could be used by researchers and practicing engineers with various parametric studies of dynamic behavior of buried structures due to seismic action of accidental explosion in various ground media. The results of various energies generated in steel and concrete pipes with varying parameters due to seismic action of internal accidental explosion were also presented. Energy generated in varying steel pipe thickness due to seismic action of internal accidental explosion and variation of stress components and time history generated in simulated models of steel and concrete pipes at different depth of burial due to surface accidental explosion were presented and discussed. The total energy generated and effects of varying coefficient of friction in pipes buried in different soils due to seismic action of internal accidental explosion and effects of varying embedment ratio for fixed coefficient of friction on buried pipes due to seismic action of surface accidental explosion were equally presented and discussed. Effects of embedment ratios on underground pipes due to seismic loads from underground accidental explosions above the buried structures as well as effects of surface and underground accidental explosions on low stiffness pipes buried in undrained clay were presented. The effects of varying degrees of seismic loads from underground accidental explosions on simulated horizontally and vertically buried pipes were equally presented. Numerical solutions to complex engineering problems using software approach with emphasis on specific software’s operating principles were extensively discussed. Prediction and assessment of loads from various accidental explosions for simulating the behavior and design of underground structures as well as seismic behaviour of underground pipes due to varying degrees of surface accidental explosions were discussed. Effects of loose sand and dense sand on response of underground pipes due to surface and underground accidental explosions as well as various available ground improvement techniques to mitigate the impact of seismic action on underground structures were also presented and extensively discussed. All these results were further analyzed using dimensional analysis for seismic design of underground structures by researchers and practicing engineers.