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AkiNik Publications

Start New Journal

We provide high end solutions to launch a journal on electronic platform and to manage current online journals. If you are willing to start an online journal for University, College or Society, then contact us for professional services. We also help in launching old journals.

Our Services:
1. Journal Development
2. Journal Maintenance
3. Relaunch Old Journal
4. Approvals Services
5. Journal Indexing and Abstracting
6. Journal Promotions

We are currently managing many journals for our national and international clients, and many more will launch soon.

List of Societies and Universities hosting Journals with us:
1. Society
a. Crop and Weed Science Society, West Bengal, India
b. Society for Tropical Plant Research, Lucknow, India
c. International Congress of Entomology and Zoology Studies, Delhi, India

2. Universities
a. Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ukraine
b. Tishreen University, Syria

List of Journals hosted by us:
1. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry:
2. The Pharma Innovation:
3. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies:
4. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies:
5. International Journal of Herbal Medicine:
6. International Journal of Chemical Studies:
7. Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research:
8. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies: